Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®
Working with the Subconsious
The Subconscious knows everything about you and your life. The QHHT® practitioner job is to ask the questions that the client would like answers about from the Subconscious.
Obtaining this information for the client is crucial to helping the client to better understand the issue(s), as well as to know how to heal the issues when requested. The Subconscious will explain why the issue has developed, what part it plays in the person's life journey, and how it can be healed. Answers and healings can occur in many ways.
The person may reach an understanding of the issue in a different way and understand in what ways these issues have contributed to their soul's journey. We can explore if this is a result of many lifetime patterns. Life experiences may also be a part of balancing or reducing Karma from a previous past life.
The QHHT® Session offers a way for the memory to be brought forward and understood so the source of the issue(s) can now be healed if it is the request of the client. The Subconscious however will NEVER cause harm or go against the client's free will. The client is always in control.
I am currently offering in person QHHT session in my Murrieta suite by appointment only two weeks in advance on Fridays. Investment $320

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®
What is (QHHT®)?

QHHT® involves using regression hypnosis to induce a client into the Somnambulistic state of trance through the use of visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is reached right before sleep or when first awakening from sleep. Through this type of hypnosis therapy the client is able to not only reach past life memories but is also able to reach a state of communication with the deep subconscious mind and much higher states of awareness, including information from a higher source. This source is called by many names, such as the "Higher Self," "Universal Consciousness," the "Over Soul," and so on. In this state miraculous healing and knowledge may be obtained.
QHHT® involves using regression hypnosis to induce a client into the Somnambulistic state of trance through the use of visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is reached right before sleep or when first awakening from sleep. Through this type of hypnosis therapy the client is able to not only reach past life memories but is also able to reach a state of communication with the deep subconscious mind and much higher states of awareness, including information from a higher source. This source is called by many names, such as the "Higher Self," "Universal Consciousness," the "Over Soul," and so on. In this state miraculous healing and knowledge may be obtained.
How a Session Works:
The Practitioner will interview the client and create a safe space for the client to share his/her life story. Then, the client will lay down on a comfortable massage table fully clothed so the client is able to deeply relax. The Practitioner will then use a visualization meditation to take client into a deep state of relaxation and into a past life or memory that is related to the issues or questions the client has.After the past life memory is explored, the practitioner will move the client deeper into connecting with the Subconscious. In QHHT, when we speak of the Subconscious we referred to it as Higher Self. The Practitioner will ask the questions the client has requested to have answered and or healed. When this has been completed the client is slowly brought out of the deep hypnotic state. The session is then reviewed with the client. The entire process for the in-person session generally takes 4-5 hours.
Usually only ONE session is needed. Occasionally the client may need several sessions to get all of their answers, or to reach deeper states of consciousness that occur in a session. The client will receive a recording of the session. This is the best way to fully analyze and integrate all of the information the client has experienced. The full healing and integration of the session generally can take up to a week. It is suggested that the client listen to the recording of the session 3-4x after the session as the healing benefits are enhanced.
What's Quantum about QHHT?
When we dive into the psyche in a deep meditative state, we access the Subconscious/Higher Self/Over Soul. This is done because we get the brain to slow down to the Theta brain waive state. When this is reached, we enter into what is called the somnambulistic state. Here, we are very relaxed and comfortable. This is very easy, and is nothing the brain doesn't already do in a normal 24hr cycle. We are just getting there on purpose and at a time of day that is irregular for most people to be in this state (barring practiced meditations, prayers, etc).Sometimes people find that the concept of time collapses, being that as they come out of hypnosis, they feel it's only been 20-30 minutes when in fact, it may have been almost two hours.
During a session, when contacting the Subconscious, we are accessing the akashic records, which hold all information about us as a soul: all lives ever lived. The lives revealed to each individual during a QHHT session are entirely up to their own subconscious. We are only ever shown what is most appropriate for us at the present time. We are never shown anything we cannot handle. Our Subconscious takes care of us and our body, and does a very good job of it. Even ailments and diagnoses are often the Subconscious' way of protecting, and theses things are explained during sessions.
This type of session is quantum because it plays by the rules of quantum physics, and not Newtonian physics. Clients are able see, touch, hear, and even taste things while accessing their past life memories in the somnambulistic state. Clients have inner experiences just as real as on this physical plane without moving a muscle or opening your eyes.

Dolores Cannon
Dolores Cannon began her research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation nearly 50 years ago by fine-tuning her QHHT® method of hypnosis. By creating a safe and effective method that bypasses the chatter of the conscious mind and focuses on obtaining unlimited information in the Somnambulistic state, Dolores Cannon discovered time travel is possible at any time or place to relive anyone’s past lives. Dolores Cannon continued to work diligently on multiple books and projects including her QHHT® classes until she passed away at the age of 83 in October 2014. Her work continues throughout the world. QHHT is now practiced by thousands of Practitioners from all corners of the globe.
Dolores Cannon, Five Lives Remembered
“It has been said that once the mind has been expanded by an idea or concept, it can never return to its original way of thinking.”